Source code for pysb.export.potterswheel

Module containing a class for converting a PySB model to an equivalent set of
ordinary differential equations for integration or analysis in PottersWheel_.

.. _PottersWheel:

For information on how to use the model exporters, see the documentation
for :py:mod:`pysb.export`.

Output for the Robertson example model

The PottersWheel code produced will follow the form as given below for

    % A simple three-species chemical kinetics system known as "Robertson's
    % example", as presented in:
    % H. H. Robertson, The solution of a set of reaction rate equations, in Numerical
    % Analysis: An Introduction, J. Walsh, ed., Academic Press, 1966, pp. 178-182.
    % PottersWheel model definition file
    % save as robertson.m
    function m = robertson()

    m = pwGetEmptyModel();

    % meta information
    m.ID          = 'robertson';        = 'robertson';
    m.description = '';
    m.authors     = {''};
    m.dates       = {''};
    m.type        = 'PW-1-5';

    % dynamic variables
    m = pwAddX(m, 's0', 1.000000e+00);
    m = pwAddX(m, 's1', 0.000000e+00);
    m = pwAddX(m, 's2', 0.000000e+00);

    % dynamic parameters
    m = pwAddK(m, 'k1', 4.000000e-02);
    m = pwAddK(m, 'k2', 3.000000e+07);
    m = pwAddK(m, 'k3', 1.000000e+04);
    m = pwAddK(m, 'A_0', 1.000000e+00);
    m = pwAddK(m, 'B_0', 0.000000e+00);
    m = pwAddK(m, 'C_0', 0.000000e+00);

    % ODEs
    m = pwAddODE(m, 's0', '-k1*s0 + k3*s1*s2');
    m = pwAddODE(m, 's1', 'k1*s0 - k2*power(s1, 2) - k3*s1*s2');
    m = pwAddODE(m, 's2', 'k2*power(s1, 2)');

    % observables
    m = pwAddY(m, 'A_total', '1.000000 * s0');
    m = pwAddY(m, 'B_total', '1.000000 * s1');
    m = pwAddY(m, 'C_total', '1.000000 * s2');

    % end of PottersWheel model robertson

import pysb
import pysb.bng
import sympy
import re
import sys
import os
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
from pysb.export import Exporter, ExpressionsNotSupported, \

[docs]class PottersWheelExporter(Exporter): """A class for returning the PottersWheel equivalent for a given PySB model. Inherits from :py:class:`pysb.export.Exporter`, which implements basic functionality for all exporters. """
[docs] def export(self): """Generate the PottersWheel code for the ODEs of the PySB model associated with the exporter. Returns ------- string String containing the PottersWheel code for the ODEs. """ if self.model.expressions: raise ExpressionsNotSupported() if self.model.compartments: raise CompartmentsNotSupported() output = StringIO() pysb.bng.generate_equations(self.model) model_name ='.', '_') ic_values = [0] * len(self.model.odes) for cp, ic_param in self.model.initial_conditions: ic_values[self.model.get_species_index(cp)] = ic_param.value # list of "dynamic variables" pw_x = ["m = pwAddX(m, 's%d', %e);" % (i, ic_values[i]) for i in range(len(self.model.odes))] # parameters pw_k = ["m = pwAddK(m, '%s', %e);" % (, p.value) for p in self.model.parameters] # equations (one for each dynamic variable) # Note that we just generate C code, which for basic math expressions # is identical to matlab. We just have to change 'pow' to 'power'. # Ideally there would be a matlab formatter for sympy. pw_ode = ["m = pwAddODE(m, 's%d', '%s');" % (i, sympy.ccode(self.model.odes[i])) for i in range(len(self.model.odes))] pw_ode = [re.sub(r'pow(?=\()', 'power', s) for s in pw_ode] # observables pw_y = ["m = pwAddY(m, '%s', '%s');" % (, ' + '.join('%f * s%s' % t for t in zip(obs.coefficients, obs.species))) for obs in self.model.observables] # Add docstring, if present if self.docstring: output.write('% ' + self.docstring.replace('\n', '\n% ')) output.write('\n') output.write('% PottersWheel model definition file\n') output.write('%% save as %s.m\n' % model_name) output.write('function m = %s()\n' % model_name) output.write('\n') output.write('m = pwGetEmptyModel();\n') output.write('\n') output.write('% meta information\n') output.write("m.ID = '%s';\n" % model_name) output.write(" = '%s';\n" % model_name) output.write("m.description = '';\n") output.write("m.authors = {''};\n") output.write("m.dates = {''};\n") output.write("m.type = 'PW-1-5';\n") output.write('\n') output.write('% dynamic variables\n') for x in pw_x: output.write(x) output.write('\n') output.write('\n') output.write('% dynamic parameters\n') for k in pw_k: output.write(k) output.write('\n') output.write('\n') output.write('% ODEs\n') for ode in pw_ode: output.write(ode) output.write('\n') output.write('\n') output.write('% observables\n') for y in pw_y: output.write(y) output.write('\n') output.write('\n') output.write('%% end of PottersWheel model %s\n' % model_name) return output.getvalue()