Source code for pysb.export.stochkit

Module containing a class to return the StochKit XML equivalent of a model

Contains code based on the `gillespy <>`
library with permission from author Brian Drawert.

For information on how to use the model exporters, see the documentation
for :py:mod:`pysb.export`.
from pysb.export import Exporter, CompartmentsNotSupported
from pysb.core import as_complex_pattern, Expression, Parameter
from pysb.bng import generate_equations
import numpy as np
import sympy
import re
from collections import defaultdict
    import lxml.etree as etree
    pretty_print = True
except ImportError:
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
    import xml.dom.minidom
    pretty_print = False

[docs]class StochKitExporter(Exporter): """A class for returning the Kappa for a given PySB model. Inherits from :py:class:`pysb.export.Exporter`, which implements basic functionality for all exporters. """ @staticmethod def _species_to_element(species_num, species_val): e = etree.Element('Species') idElement = etree.Element('Id') idElement.text = species_num e.append(idElement) initialPopulationElement = etree.Element('InitialPopulation') initialPopulationElement.text = str(species_val) e.append(initialPopulationElement) return e @staticmethod def _parameter_to_element(param_name, param_val): e = etree.Element('Parameter') idElement = etree.Element('Id') idElement.text = param_name e.append(idElement) expressionElement = etree.Element('Expression') expressionElement.text = str(param_val) e.append(expressionElement) return e @staticmethod def _reaction_to_element(rxn_name, rxn_desc, propensity_fxn, reactants, products): e = etree.Element('Reaction') idElement = etree.Element('Id') idElement.text = rxn_name e.append(idElement) descriptionElement = etree.Element('Description') descriptionElement.text = rxn_desc e.append(descriptionElement) typeElement = etree.Element('Type') if isinstance(propensity_fxn, (Parameter, float)): typeElement.text = 'mass-action' e.append(typeElement) rateElement = etree.Element('Rate') rateElement.text = if isinstance( propensity_fxn, Parameter) else str(propensity_fxn) e.append(rateElement) else: typeElement.text = 'customized' e.append(typeElement) functionElement = etree.Element('PropensityFunction') functionElement.text = propensity_fxn e.append(functionElement) reactantElement = etree.Element('Reactants') for reactant, stoichiometry in reactants.items(): srElement = etree.Element('SpeciesReference') srElement.set('id', reactant) srElement.set('stoichiometry', str(stoichiometry)) reactantElement.append(srElement) e.append(reactantElement) productElement = etree.Element('Products') for product, stoichiometry in products.items(): srElement = etree.Element('SpeciesReference') srElement.set('id', product) srElement.set('stoichiometry', str(stoichiometry)) productElement.append(srElement) e.append(productElement) return e
[docs] def export(self, initials=None, param_values=None): """Generate the corresponding StochKit2 XML for a PySB model Parameters ---------- initials : list of numbers List of initial species concentrations overrides (must be same length as model.species). If None, the concentrations from the model are used. param_values : list List of parameter value overrides (must be same length as model.parameters). If None, the parameter values from the model are used. Returns ------- string The model in StochKit2 XML format """ if self.model.compartments: raise CompartmentsNotSupported() generate_equations(self.model) document = etree.Element("Model") d = etree.Element('Description') d.text = 'Exported from PySB Model: %s' % document.append(d) # Number of Reactions nr = etree.Element('NumberOfReactions') nr.text = str(len(self.model.reactions)) document.append(nr) # Number of Species ns = etree.Element('NumberOfSpecies') ns.text = str(len(self.model.species)) document.append(ns) if param_values is None: # Get parameter values from model if not supplied param_values = [p.value for p in self.model.parameters] else: # Validate length if len(param_values) != len(self.model.parameters): raise Exception('param_values must be a list of numeric ' 'parameter values the same length as ' 'model.parameters') # Get initial species concentrations from model if not supplied if initials is None: initials = np.zeros((len(self.model.species),)) subs = dict((p, param_values[i]) for i, p in enumerate(self.model.parameters)) for cp, value_obj in self.model.initial_conditions: cp = as_complex_pattern(cp) si = self.model.get_species_index(cp) if si is None: raise IndexError("Species not found in model: %s" % repr(cp)) if isinstance(value_obj, (int, float)): value = value_obj elif value_obj in self.model.parameters: pi = self.model.parameters.index(value_obj) value = param_values[pi] elif value_obj in self.model.expressions: value = value_obj.expand_expr().evalf(subs=subs) else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected initial condition value type") initials[si] = value else: # Validate length if len(initials) != len(self.model.species): raise Exception('initials must be a list of numeric initial ' 'concentrations the same length as ' 'model.species') # Species spec = etree.Element('SpeciesList') for s_id in range(len(self.model.species)): spec.append(self._species_to_element('__s%d' % s_id, initials[s_id])) document.append(spec) # Parameters params = etree.Element('ParametersList') for p_id, param in enumerate(self.model.parameters): p_name = if p_name == 'vol': p_name = '__vol' p_value = param.value if param_values is None else \ param_values[p_id] params.append(self._parameter_to_element(p_name, p_value)) # Default volume parameter value params.append(self._parameter_to_element('vol', 1.0)) document.append(params) # Expressions and observables expr_strings = { '(%s)' % sympy.ccode( e.expand_expr(expand_observables=True) ) for e in self.model.expressions } # Reactions reacs = etree.Element('ReactionsList') pattern = re.compile("(__s\d+)\*\*(\d+)") for rxn_id, rxn in enumerate(self.model.reactions): rxn_name = 'Rxn%d' % rxn_id rxn_desc = 'Rules: %s' % str(rxn["rule"]) reactants = defaultdict(int) products = defaultdict(int) # reactants for r in rxn["reactants"]: reactants["__s%d" % r] += 1 # products for p in rxn["products"]: products["__s%d" % p] += 1 # replace terms like __s**2 with __s*(__s-1) rate = str(rxn["rate"]) matches = pattern.findall(rate) for m in matches: repl = m[0] for i in range(1, int(m[1])): repl += "*(%s-%d)" % (m[0], i) rate = re.sub(pattern, repl, rate, count=1) # expand only expressions used in the rate eqn for e in {sym for sym in rxn["rate"].atoms() if isinstance(sym, Expression)}: rate = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' %, expr_strings[], rate) total_reactants = sum(reactants.values()) rxn_params = rxn["rate"].atoms(Parameter) rate = None if total_reactants <= 2 and len(rxn_params) == 1: # Try to parse as mass action to avoid compiling custom # propensity functions in StochKit (slow for big models) rxn_param = rxn_params.pop() putative_rate = sympy.Mul(*[sympy.symbols(r) ** r_stoich for r, r_stoich in reactants.items()]) * rxn_param rxn_floats = rxn["rate"].atoms(sympy.Float) rate_mul = 1.0 if len(rxn_floats) == 1: rate_mul = next(iter(rxn_floats)) putative_rate *= rate_mul if putative_rate == rxn["rate"]: # Reaction is mass-action, set rate to a Parameter or float if len(rxn_floats) == 0: rate = rxn_param elif len(rxn_floats) == 1: rate = rxn_param.value * float(rate_mul) if rate is not None and len(reactants) == 1 and \ max(reactants.values()) == 2: # Need rate * 2 in addition to any rate factor rate = (rate.value if isinstance(rate, Parameter) else rate) * 2.0 if rate is None: # Custom propensity function needed rxn_atoms = rxn["rate"].atoms() # replace terms like __s**2 with __s*(__s-1) rate = str(rxn["rate"]) matches = pattern.findall(rate) for m in matches: repl = m[0] for i in range(1, int(m[1])): repl += "*(%s-%d)" % (m[0], i) rate = re.sub(pattern, repl, rate, count=1) # expand only expressions used in the rate eqn for e in {sym for sym in rxn_atoms if isinstance(sym, Expression)}: rate = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' %, expr_strings[], rate) reacs.append(self._reaction_to_element(rxn_name, rxn_desc, rate, reactants, products)) document.append(reacs) if pretty_print: return etree.tostring(document, pretty_print=True) else: # Hack to print pretty xml without pretty-print # (requires the lxml module). doc = etree.tostring(document) xmldoc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(doc) uglyXml = xmldoc.toprettyxml(indent=' ') text_re = re.compile(">\n\s+([^<>\s].*?)\n\s+</", re.DOTALL) prettyXml = text_re.sub(">\g<1></", uglyXml) return prettyXml