Source code for pysb.export.matlab

A class for converting a PySB model to a set of ordinary differential
equations for integration in MATLAB.

Note that for use in MATLAB, the name of the ``.m`` file must match the name of
the exported MATLAB class (e.g., ``robertson.m`` for the example below).

For information on how to use the model exporters, see the documentation
for :py:mod:`pysb.export`.

Output for the Robertson example model

Information on the form and usage of the generated MATLAB class is contained in
the documentation for the MATLAB model, as shown in the following example for

    classdef robertson
        % A simple three-species chemical kinetics system known as "Robertson's
        % example", as presented in:
        % H. H. Robertson, The solution of a set of reaction rate equations, in Numerical
        % Analysis: An Introduction, J. Walsh, ed., Academic Press, 1966, pp. 178-182.
        % A class implementing the ordinary differential equations
        % for the robertson model.
        % Save as robertson.m.
        % Generated by pysb.export.matlab.MatlabExporter.
        % Properties
        % ----------
        % observables : struct
        %     A struct containing the names of the observables from the
        %     PySB model as field names. Each field in the struct
        %     maps the observable name to a matrix with two rows:
        %     the first row specifies the indices of the species
        %     associated with the observable, and the second row
        %     specifies the coefficients associated with the species.
        %     For any given timecourse of model species resulting from
        %     integration, the timecourse for an observable can be
        %     retrieved using the get_observable method, described
        %     below.
        % parameters : struct
        %     A struct containing the names of the parameters from the
        %     PySB model as field names. The nominal values are set by
        %     the constructor and their values can be overriden
        %     explicitly once an instance has been created.
        % Methods
        % -------
        % robertson.odes(tspan, y0)
        %     The right-hand side function for the ODEs of the model,
        %     for use with MATLAB ODE solvers (see Examples).
        % robertson.get_initial_values()
        %     Returns a vector of initial values for all species,
        %     specified in the order that they occur in the original
        %     PySB model (i.e., in the order found in model.species).
        %     Non-zero initial conditions are specified using the
        %     named parameters included as properties of the instance.
        %     Hence initial conditions other than the defaults can be
        %     used by assigning a value to the named parameter and then
        %     calling this method. The vector returned by the method
        %     is used for integration by passing it to the MATLAB
        %     solver as the y0 argument.
        % robertson.get_observables(y)
        %     Given a matrix of timecourses for all model species
        %     (i.e., resulting from an integration of the model),
        %     get the trajectories corresponding to the observables.
        %     Timecourses are returned as a struct which can be
        %     indexed by observable name.
        % Examples
        % --------
        % Example integration using default initial and parameter
        % values:
        % >> m = robertson();
        % >> tspan = [0 100];
        % >> [t y] = ode15s(@m.odes, tspan, m.get_initial_values());
        % Retrieving the observables:
        % >> y_obs = m.get_observables(y)

            function self = robertson()
                % Assign default parameter values
                self.parameters = struct( ...
                    'k1', 0.040000000000000001, ...
                    'k2', 30000000, ...
                    'k3', 10000, ...
                    'A_0', 1, ...
                    'B_0', 0, ...
                    'C_0', 0);

                % Define species indices (first row) and coefficients
                % (second row) of named observables
                self.observables = struct( ...
                    'A_total', [1; 1], ...
                    'B_total', [2; 1], ...
                    'C_total', [3; 1]);

            function initial_values = get_initial_values(self)
                % Return the vector of initial conditions for all
                % species based on the values of the parameters
                % as currently defined in the instance.

                initial_values = zeros(1,3);
                initial_values(1) = self.parameters.A_0; % A()
                initial_values(2) = self.parameters.B_0; % B()
                initial_values(3) = self.parameters.C_0; % C()

            function y = odes(self, tspan, y0)
                % Right hand side function for the ODEs

                % Shorthand for the struct of model parameters
                p = self.parameters;

                % A();
                y(1,1) = -p.k1*y0(1) + p.k3*y0(2)*y0(3);
                % B();
                y(2,1) = p.k1*y0(1) - p.k2*power(y0(2), 2) - p.k3*y0(2)*y0(3);
                % C();
                y(3,1) = p.k2*power(y0(2), 2);

            function y_obs = get_observables(self, y)
                % Retrieve the trajectories for the model observables
                % from a matrix of the trajectories of all model
                % species.

                % Initialize the struct of observable timecourses
                % that we will return
                y_obs = struct();

                % Iterate over the observables;
                observable_names = fieldnames(self.observables);
                for i = 1:numel(observable_names)
                    obs_matrix = self.observables.(observable_names{i});
                    species = obs_matrix(1, :);
                    coefficients = obs_matrix(2, :);
                    y_obs.(observable_names{i}) = ...
                                    y(:, species) * coefficients';

import pysb
import pysb.bng
import sympy
import re
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
from pysb.export import Exporter, pad

[docs]class MatlabExporter(Exporter): """A class for returning the ODEs for a given PySB model for use in MATLAB. Inherits from :py:class:`pysb.export.Exporter`, which implements basic functionality for all exporters. """
[docs] def export(self): """Generate a MATLAB class definition containing the ODEs for the PySB model associated with the exporter. Returns ------- string String containing the MATLAB code for an implementation of the model's ODEs. """ output = StringIO() pysb.bng.generate_equations(self.model) docstring = '' if self.docstring: docstring += self.docstring.replace('\n', '\n % ') # Substitute underscores for any dots in the model name model_name ='.', '_') # -- Parameters and Initial conditions ------- # Declare the list of parameters as a struct params_str = 'self.parameters = struct( ...\n'+' '*16 params_str_list = [] for i, p in enumerate(self.model.parameters): # Add parameter to struct along with nominal value cur_p_str = "'%s', %.17g" % (_fix_underscores(, p.value) # Decide whether to continue or terminate the struct declaration: if i == len(self.model.parameters) - 1: cur_p_str += ');' # terminate else: cur_p_str += ', ...' # continue params_str_list.append(cur_p_str) # Format and indent the params struct declaration params_str += ('\n'+' '*16).join(params_str_list) # Fill in an array of the initial conditions based on the named # parameter values initial_values_str = ('initial_values = zeros(1,%d);\n'+' '*12) % \ len(self.model.species) initial_values_str += ('\n'+' '*12).join( ['initial_values(%d) = self.parameters.%s; %% %s' % (i+1, _fix_underscores(ic[1].name), ic[0]) for i, ic in enumerate(self.model.initial_conditions)]) # -- Build observables declaration -- observables_str = 'self.observables = struct( ...\n'+' '*16 observables_str_list = [] for i, obs in enumerate(self.model.observables): # Associate species and coefficient lists with observable names, # changing from zero- to one-based indexing cur_obs_str = "'%s', [%s; %s]" % \ (_fix_underscores(, ' '.join([str(sp+1) for sp in obs.species]), ' '.join([str(c) for c in obs.coefficients])) # Decide whether to continue or terminate the struct declaration: if i == len(self.model.observables) - 1: cur_obs_str += ');' # terminate else: cur_obs_str += ', ...' # continue observables_str_list.append(cur_obs_str) # Format and indent the observables struct declaration observables_str += ('\n'+' '*16).join(observables_str_list) # -- Build ODEs ------- # Build a stringified list of species species_list = ['%% %s;' % s for i, s in enumerate(self.model.species)] # Build the ODEs as strings from the model.odes array odes_list = ['y(%d,1) = %s;' % (i+1, sympy.ccode(self.model.odes[i])) for i in range(len(self.model.odes))] # Zip the ODEs and species string lists and then flatten them # (results in the interleaving of the two lists) odes_species_list = [item for sublist in zip(species_list, odes_list) for item in sublist] # Flatten to a string and add correct indentation odes_str = ('\n'+' '*12).join(odes_species_list) # Change species names from, e.g., '__s(0)' to 'y0(1)' (note change # from zero-based indexing to 1-based indexing) odes_str = re.sub(r'__s(\d+)', \ lambda m: 'y0(%s)' % (int(, odes_str) # Change C code 'pow' function to MATLAB 'power' function odes_str = re.sub(r'pow\(', 'power(', odes_str) # Prepend 'p.' to named parameters and fix any underscores for i, p in enumerate(self.model.parameters): odes_str = re.sub(r'\b(%s)\b' %, 'p.%s' % _fix_underscores(, odes_str) # -- Build final output -- output.write(pad(r""" classdef %(model_name)s %% %(docstring)s %% A class implementing the ordinary differential equations %% for the %(model_name)s model. %% %% Save as %(model_name)s.m. %% %% Generated by pysb.export.matlab.MatlabExporter. %% %% Properties %% ---------- %% observables : struct %% A struct containing the names of the observables from the %% PySB model as field names. Each field in the struct %% maps the observable name to a matrix with two rows: %% the first row specifies the indices of the species %% associated with the observable, and the second row %% specifies the coefficients associated with the species. %% For any given timecourse of model species resulting from %% integration, the timecourse for an observable can be %% retrieved using the get_observable method, described %% below. %% %% parameters : struct %% A struct containing the names of the parameters from the %% PySB model as field names. The nominal values are set by %% the constructor and their values can be overriden %% explicitly once an instance has been created. %% %% Methods %% ------- %% %(model_name)s.odes(tspan, y0) %% The right-hand side function for the ODEs of the model, %% for use with MATLAB ODE solvers (see Examples). %% %% %(model_name)s.get_initial_values() %% Returns a vector of initial values for all species, %% specified in the order that they occur in the original %% PySB model (i.e., in the order found in model.species). %% Non-zero initial conditions are specified using the %% named parameters included as properties of the instance. %% Hence initial conditions other than the defaults can be %% used by assigning a value to the named parameter and then %% calling this method. The vector returned by the method %% is used for integration by passing it to the MATLAB %% solver as the y0 argument. %% %% %(model_name)s.get_observables(y) %% Given a matrix of timecourses for all model species %% (i.e., resulting from an integration of the model), %% get the trajectories corresponding to the observables. %% Timecourses are returned as a struct which can be %% indexed by observable name. %% %% Examples %% -------- %% Example integration using default initial and parameter %% values: %% %% >> m = %(model_name)s(); %% >> tspan = [0 100]; %% >> [t y] = ode15s(@m.odes, tspan, m.get_initial_values()); %% %% Retrieving the observables: %% %% >> y_obs = m.get_observables(y) %% properties observables parameters end methods function self = %(model_name)s() %% Assign default parameter values %(params_str)s %% Define species indices (first row) and coefficients %% (second row) of named observables %(observables_str)s end function initial_values = get_initial_values(self) %% Return the vector of initial conditions for all %% species based on the values of the parameters %% as currently defined in the instance. %(initial_values_str)s end function y = odes(self, tspan, y0) %% Right hand side function for the ODEs %% Shorthand for the struct of model parameters p = self.parameters; %(odes_str)s end function y_obs = get_observables(self, y) %% Retrieve the trajectories for the model observables %% from a matrix of the trajectories of all model %% species. %% Initialize the struct of observable timecourses %% that we will return y_obs = struct(); %% Iterate over the observables; observable_names = fieldnames(self.observables); for i = 1:numel(observable_names) obs_matrix = self.observables.(observable_names{i}); species = obs_matrix(1, :); coefficients = obs_matrix(2, :); y_obs.(observable_names{i}) = ... y(:, species) * coefficients'; end end end end """, 0) % {'docstring': docstring, 'model_name': model_name, 'params_str':params_str, 'initial_values_str': initial_values_str, 'observables_str': observables_str, 'params_str': params_str, 'odes_str': odes_str}) return output.getvalue()
def _fix_underscores(name): if name.startswith('_'): return 'X' + name else: return name