Source code for pysb.export.python

A module containing a class that produces Python code for simulating a PySB
model without requiring PySB itself (note that NumPy and SciPy are still
required). This offers a way of distributing a model to those who do not have

For information on how to use the model exporters, see the documentation
for :py:mod:`pysb.export`.

Structure of the standalone Python code

The standalone Python code defines a class, ``Model``, with a method
``simulate`` that can be used to simulate the model.

As shown in the code for the Robertson model below, the ``Model`` class defines
the fields ``parameters``, ``observables``, and ``initial_conditions`` as lists
of ``collections.namedtuple`` objects that allow access to the features of the

The ``simulate`` method has the following signature::

    def simulate(self, tspan, param_values=None, view=False):

with arguments as follows:

* ``tspan`` specifies the array of timepoints
* ``param_values`` is an optional vector of parameter values that can be used
  to override the nominal values defined in the PySB model
* ``view`` is an optional boolean argument that specifies if the simulation
  output arrays are returned as copies (views) of the original. If True,
  returns copies of the arrays, allowing changes to be made to values in the
  arrays without affecting the originals.

``simulate`` returns a tuple of two arrays. The first array is a matrix
with timecourses for each species in the model as the columns. The
second array is a numpy record array for the model's observables, which can
be indexed by name.

Output for the Robertson example model

Example code generated for the Robertson model, ``pysb.examples.robertson``:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/

Using the standalone Python model

An example usage pattern for the standalone Robertson model, once generated::

    # Import the standalone model file
    import robertson_standalone
    import numpy
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    # Instantiate the model object (the constructor takes no arguments)
    model = robertson_standalone.Model()

    # Simulate the model
    tspan = numpy.linspace(0, 100)
    (species_output, observables_output) = model.simulate(tspan)

    # Plot the results
    plt.plot(tspan, observables_output['A_total'])

import pysb
import pysb.bng
import sympy
import textwrap
from pysb.export import Exporter, pad
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
import re

[docs]class PythonExporter(Exporter): """A class for returning the standalone Python code for a given PySB model. Inherits from :py:class:`pysb.export.Exporter`, which implements basic functionality for all exporters. """
[docs] def export(self): """Export Python code for simulation of a model without PySB. Returns ------- string String containing the standalone Python code. """ output = StringIO() pysb.bng.generate_equations(self.model) # Note: This has a lot of duplication from pysb.integrate. # Can that be helped? code_eqs = '\n'.join(['ydot[%d] = %s;' % (i, sympy.ccode(self.model.odes[i])) for i in range(len(self.model.odes))]) code_eqs = re.sub(r's(\d+)', lambda m: 'y[%s]' % (int(, code_eqs) for i, p in enumerate(self.model.parameters): code_eqs = re.sub(r'\b(%s)\b' %, 'p[%d]' % i, code_eqs) if self.docstring: output.write('"""') output.write(self.docstring) output.write('"""\n\n') output.write("# exported from PySB model '%s'\n" % output.write(pad(r""" import numpy import scipy.weave, scipy.integrate import collections import itertools import distutils.errors """)) output.write(pad(r""" _use_inline = False # try to inline a C statement to see if inline is functional try: scipy.weave.inline('int i;', force=1) _use_inline = True except distutils.errors.CompileError: pass Parameter = collections.namedtuple('Parameter', 'name value') Observable = collections.namedtuple('Observable', 'name species coefficients') Initial = collections.namedtuple('Initial', 'param_index species_index') """)) output.write("\n") output.write("class Model(object):\n") init_data = { 'num_species': len(self.model.species), 'num_params': len(self.model.parameters), 'num_observables': len(self.model.observables), 'num_ics': len(self.model.initial_conditions), } output.write(pad(r""" def __init__(self): self.y = None self.yobs = None self.integrator = scipy.integrate.ode(self.ode_rhs) self.integrator.set_integrator('vode', method='bdf', with_jacobian=True) self.y0 = numpy.empty(%(num_species)d) self.ydot = numpy.empty(%(num_species)d) self.sim_param_values = numpy.empty(%(num_params)d) self.parameters = [None] * %(num_params)d self.observables = [None] * %(num_observables)d self.initial_conditions = [None] * %(num_ics)d """, 4) % init_data) for i, p in enumerate(self.model.parameters): p_data = (i, repr(, p.value) output.write(" " * 8) output.write("self.parameters[%d] = Parameter(%s, %.17g)\n" % p_data) output.write("\n") for i, obs in enumerate(self.model.observables): obs_data = (i, repr(, repr(obs.species), repr(obs.coefficients)) output.write(" " * 8) output.write("self.observables[%d] = Observable(%s, %s, %s)\n" % obs_data) output.write("\n") for i, (cp, param) in enumerate(self.model.initial_conditions): ic_data = (i, self.model.parameters.index(param), self.model.get_species_index(cp)) output.write(" " * 8) output.write("self.initial_conditions[%d] = Initial(%d, %d)\n" % ic_data) output.write("\n") output.write(" if _use_inline:\n") output.write(pad(r""" def ode_rhs(self, t, y, p): ydot = self.ydot scipy.weave.inline(r'''%s''', ['ydot', 't', 'y', 'p']) return ydot """, 8) % (pad('\n' + code_eqs, 16) + ' ' * 16)) output.write(" else:\n") output.write(pad(r""" def ode_rhs(self, t, y, p): ydot = self.ydot %s return ydot """, 8) % pad('\n' + code_eqs, 12).replace(';','').strip()) # note the simulate method is fixed, i.e. it doesn't require any templating output.write(pad(r""" def simulate(self, tspan, param_values=None, view=False): if param_values is not None: # accept vector of parameter values as an argument if len(param_values) != len(self.parameters): raise Exception("param_values must have length %d" % len(self.parameters)) self.sim_param_values[:] = param_values else: # create parameter vector from the values in the model self.sim_param_values[:] = [p.value for p in self.parameters] self.y0.fill(0) for ic in self.initial_conditions: self.y0[ic.species_index] = self.sim_param_values[ic.param_index] if self.y is None or len(tspan) != len(self.y): self.y = numpy.empty((len(tspan), len(self.y0))) if len(self.observables): self.yobs = numpy.ndarray(len(tspan), zip(( for obs in self.observables), itertools.repeat(float))) else: self.yobs = numpy.ndarray((len(tspan), 0)) self.yobs_view = self.yobs.view(float).reshape(len(self.yobs), -1) # perform the actual integration self.integrator.set_initial_value(self.y0, tspan[0]) self.integrator.set_f_params(self.sim_param_values) self.y[0] = self.y0 t = 1 while self.integrator.successful() and self.integrator.t < tspan[-1]: self.y[t] = self.integrator.integrate(tspan[t]) t += 1 for i, obs in enumerate(self.observables): self.yobs_view[:, i] = \ (self.y[:, obs.species] * obs.coefficients).sum(1) if view: y_out = self.y.view() yobs_out = self.yobs.view() for a in y_out, yobs_out: a.flags.writeable = False else: y_out = self.y.copy() yobs_out = self.yobs.copy() return (y_out, yobs_out) """, 4)) return output.getvalue()