Source code for pysb.importers.sbml

from __future__ import print_function as _
from pysb.importers.bngl import model_from_bngl
import pysb.pathfinder as pf
import subprocess
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
import re
    # Python 3
    from urllib.request import urlretrieve
except ImportError:
    # Python 2
    from urllib import urlretrieve
from pysb.logging import get_logger, EXTENDED_DEBUG

BIOMODELS_REGEX = re.compile(r'(BIOMD|MODEL)[0-9]{10}')

class SbmlTranslationError(Exception):

[docs]def sbml_translator(input_file, output_file=None, convention_file=None, naming_conventions=None, user_structures=None, molecule_id=False, atomize=False, pathway_commons=False, verbose=False): """ Run the BioNetGen sbmlTranslator binary to convert SBML to BNGL This function runs the external program sbmlTranslator, included with BioNetGen, which converts SBML files to BioNetGen language (BNGL). Generally, PySB users don't need to run this function directly; an SBML model can be imported to PySB in a single step with :func:`model_from_sbml`. However, users may wish to note the parameters for this function, which alter the way the SBML file is processed. These parameters can be supplied as ``**kwargs`` to :func:`model_from_sbml`. For more detailed descriptions of the arguments, see the `sbmlTranslator documentation <>`_. Parameters ---------- input_file : string SBML input filename output_file : string, optional BNGL output filename convention_file : string, optional Conventions filename naming_conventions : string, optional Naming conventions filename user_structures : string, optional User structures filename molecule_id : bool, optional Use SBML molecule IDs (True) or names (False). IDs are less descriptive but more BNGL friendly. Use only if the generated BNGL has syntactic errors atomize : bool, optional Atomize the model, i.e. attempt to infer molecular structure and build rules from the model (True) or just perform a flat import (False) pathway_commons : bool, optional Use pathway commons to infer molecule binding. This setting requires an internet connection and will query the pathway commons web service. verbose : bool or int, optional (default: False) Sets the verbosity level of the logger. See the logging levels and constants from Python's logging module for interpretation of integer values. False leaves the logging verbosity unchanged, True is equal to DEBUG. Returns ------- string BNGL output filename """ logger = get_logger(__name__, log_level=verbose) sbmltrans_bin = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(pf.get_path('bng')), 'bin/sbmlTranslator') sbmltrans_args = [sbmltrans_bin, '-i', input_file] if output_file is None: output_file = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] + '.bngl' sbmltrans_args.extend(['-o', output_file]) if convention_file: sbmltrans_args.extend(['-c', convention_file]) if naming_conventions: sbmltrans_args.extend(['-n', naming_conventions]) if user_structures: sbmltrans_args.extend(['-u', user_structures]) if molecule_id: sbmltrans_args.append('-id') if atomize: sbmltrans_args.append('-a') if pathway_commons: sbmltrans_args.append('-p') logger.debug("sbmlTranslator command: " + " ".join(sbmltrans_args)) p = subprocess.Popen(sbmltrans_args, cwd=os.getcwd(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= EXTENDED_DEBUG: output = "\n".join([line for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b'')]) if output: logger.log(EXTENDED_DEBUG, "sbmlTranslator output:\n\n" + output) (p_out, p_err) = p.communicate() if p.returncode: raise SbmlTranslationError(p_out.decode('utf-8') + "\n" + p_err.decode('utf-8')) return output_file
[docs]def model_from_sbml(filename, force=False, cleanup=True, **kwargs): """ Create a PySB Model object from an Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) file, using BioNetGen's `sbmlTranslator <>`_, which can attempt to extrapolate higher-level (rule-based) structure from an SBML source file (argument atomize=True). The model is first converted into BioNetGen language by sbmlTranslator, then PySB's :class:`BnglBuilder` class converts the BioNetGen language model into a PySB Model. Notes ----- Read the `sbmlTranslator documentation <>`_ for further information on sbmlTranslator's limitations. Parameters ---------- filename : A Systems Biology Markup Language .sbml file force : bool, optional The default, False, will raise an Exception if there are any errors importing the model to PySB, e.g. due to unsupported features. Setting to True will attempt to ignore any import errors, which may lead to a model that only poorly represents the original. Use at own risk! cleanup : bool Delete temporary directory on completion if True. Set to False for debugging purposes. **kwargs: kwargs Keyword arguments to pass on to :func:`sbml_translator` """ logger = get_logger(__name__, log_level=kwargs.get('verbose')) tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() logger.debug("Performing SBML to BNGL translation in temporary " "directory %s" % tmpdir) try: bngl_file = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'model.bngl') sbml_translator(filename, bngl_file, **kwargs) return model_from_bngl(bngl_file, force=force, cleanup=cleanup) finally: if cleanup: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
[docs]def model_from_biomodels(accession_no, force=False, cleanup=True, **kwargs): """ Create a PySB Model based on a BioModels SBML model Downloads file from BioModels ( and runs it through :func:`model_from_sbml`. See that function for further details on additional arguments and implementation details. Utilizes BioNetGen's SBMLTranslator. Notes ----- Read the `sbmlTranslator documentation <>`_ for further information on sbmlTranslator's limitations. Parameters ---------- accession_no : str A BioModels accession number - the string 'BIOMD' followed by 10 digits, e.g. 'BIOMD0000000001'. For brevity, just the last digits will be accepted as a string, e.g. '1' is equivalent the accession number in the previous sentence. force : bool, optional The default, False, will raise an Exception if there are any errors importing the model to PySB, e.g. due to unsupported features. Setting to True will attempt to ignore any import errors, which may lead to a model that only poorly represents the original. Use at own risk! cleanup : bool Delete temporary directory on completion if True. Set to False for debugging purposes. **kwargs: kwargs Keyword arguments to pass on to :func:`sbml_translator` Examples -------- >>> from pysb.importers.sbml import model_from_biomodels >>> model = model_from_biomodels('1') >>> print(model) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS <Model 'pysb' (monomers: 12, rules: 17, parameters: 37, expressions: 0, ... """ logger = get_logger(__name__, log_level=kwargs.get('verbose')) if not BIOMODELS_REGEX.match(accession_no): try: accession_no = 'BIOMD{:010d}'.format(int(accession_no)) except ValueError: raise ValueError('accession_no must be an integer or a BioModels ' 'accession number (BIOMDxxxxxxxxxx)')'Importing model {} to PySB'.format(accession_no)) filename, headers = urlretrieve(BIOMODELS_URL.format(accession_no)) try: return model_from_sbml(filename, force=force, cleanup=cleanup, **kwargs) finally: try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass